After years of mismanagement and scandal, young progressive politician Will Guzzardi believes that he can mobilize a movement to upend Illinois’ political machine. But he chose to run against Toni Berrios, daughter of one of the best connected (and most corrupt) pols in Chicago — and the establishment is not going to let her go down without a fight. The 39th follows Guzzardi as he fights for this seat block by block, and comes to terms with just how far the machine will go to hold on to power.
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Directed by Laura Fallsgraff and produced by Adam Wisneski.
More Projects From Kindling Group:

Using Chicago as a microcosm, The School Project explores the interrelated issues of inequity of resources, school privatization, and race in public education in America.

The Last Strike takes viewers inside the infamous PATCO strike of 1981, to discover how these events paved the way for modern Americas’ unprecedented inequality and insecurity.

The Calling is a four-hour documentary series that follows seven young Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, and Muslim Americans as they prepare for religious leadership.

The Future of Normal combines observational storytelling, insights of leading experts, compelling motion graphics and animation to explore the complex and nuanced terrain around neurodiversity.

Do No Harm tells the story of two reluctant whistleblowers in a small Georgia town, who endure relentless attacks as they draw attention to hospital corruption and the plight of the uninsured.

A Doula Story documents one woman’s fierce commitment to empower pregnant teenagers with the skills and knowledge they need to become confident nurturing mothers.

No Small Matter shares stunning truths about the human capacity for early learning and the potential for quality early care and education to shape America’s social and economic future.

Veterans Coming Home bridges America’s military-civilian divide by telling stories, challenging stereotypes and exploring what Veteran’s need to truly come home.

When the Vatican reprimands U.S. nuns, citing their “radical feminism,” three fearless nuns risk their place in the Church to follow another higher calling: social justice.

Pulling the Thread unravels America’s most popular conspiracy theories and reveals the emotional, cognitive and social forces that lead rational people to believe irrational things.

Illinois consumers getting smart about energy usage & the green economy.

Produced in a unique collaboration between Harvard Law students and filmmakers, Legal Lens explores how the law shapes — and is shaped by — the lives of everyday Americans.

Using Chicago as a microcosm, The School Project explores the interrelated issues of inequity of resources, school privatization, and race in public education in America.

The Last Strike takes viewers inside the infamous PATCO strike of 1981, to discover how these events paved the way for modern Americas’ unprecedented inequality and insecurity.

The Calling is a four-hour documentary series that follows seven young Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, and Muslim Americans as they prepare for religious leadership.

The Future of Normal combines observational storytelling, insights of leading experts, compelling motion graphics and animation to explore the complex and nuanced terrain around neurodiversity.

Do No Harm tells the story of two reluctant whistleblowers in a small Georgia town, who endure relentless attacks as they draw attention to hospital corruption and the plight of the uninsured.

A Doula Story documents one woman’s fierce commitment to empower pregnant teenagers with the skills and knowledge they need to become confident nurturing mothers.

No Small Matter shares stunning truths about the human capacity for early learning and the potential for quality early care and education to shape America’s social and economic future.

Veterans Coming Home bridges America’s military-civilian divide by telling stories, challenging stereotypes and exploring what Veteran’s need to truly come home.

When the Vatican reprimands U.S. nuns, citing their “radical feminism,” three fearless nuns risk their place in the Church to follow another higher calling: social justice.

Pulling the Thread unravels America’s most popular conspiracy theories and reveals the emotional, cognitive and social forces that lead rational people to believe irrational things.

Illinois consumers getting smart about energy usage & the green economy.

Produced in a unique collaboration between Harvard Law students and filmmakers, Legal Lens explores how the law shapes — and is shaped by — the lives of everyday Americans.

Using Chicago as a microcosm, The School Project explores the interrelated issues of inequity of resources, school privatization, and race in public education in America.